Toronto Free Theatre/Dream In High Park/Canadian Stage


Theatre Community


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Mary Kerr’s costume designs for the production.

Crazy wild, but totally right for the play. I am not sure if she was high on anything other than her own creative instincts. The Canada Council Theatre Officer was there on opening night. Those CC bureaucrats have to see a lot of theatre in their line of work. After the curtain call, and after the rest of the audience had left, she was still glued to her seat. Stunned. “I have never seen anything like it!”

The photos give a bit of a hint at how we used the height of the downstairs theatre to full effect.

Informations goes here…great cast. Paul and Lubomir, Richard Donat, Franny Hyland, Kate Trotter, Seana McKenna, Sam Malkin…. no small theatre would ever have the budget to pull it off these days. And of course, Lubomir was playing an oriental character… totally politically incorrect. (He was brilliant, BTW.)



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  • Dream In High Park


Actor and Friend, RH Thompson came to me and said he wanted to play Hamlet. Would I direct him? Wow! Lucky me! His one stipulation was that during the “To be or not to be” monologue, he wanted to have a revolver in his hand not a dagger.

So we started to read the play together and an interpretation, a production concept started to gestate. Set it in Habsburg Germany. The window arches of the Toronto Free Theatre were close to a facsimile of the arches in the Hall of Mirrors of Versailles. Mirrors. The ghost is just a figment of Hamlet’s imagination, he is in fact Hamlet talking to himself.




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The Forest by Alexander Ostrovsky


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Donut City

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Doug Tape 2 Donut City Promo 1988 4

Doug Tape 2 Donut City Promo 1988

The Highjacking

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