Never was one for collecting press clippings. The ones below are more accidental flotsam, hardly representative.

  • "His theatre's a major success, now Guy Sprung wants security " By Ray Conlogue

    G&M article Sept 1, 1984. Things had been going well for TFT and I was looking to the future. Note in the picture I have definitely put on weight. Nice anecdotes about the Dream IN High Park in the article.

  • " They share the bonds of home and theatre.

    Interview with Kate Trotter and myself before the opening of Stoppard’s, The Real Thing at the Royal Alex theatre. Note me surreptitiously holding a copy of the play for the photo.

  • " Guy Sprung goes to TFT " By Ray Conlogue

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  • Don't mess with his muse: Stage director Guy Sprung adapts his artistic temperament to the small screen

    Interview on the eve of Mama’s Boys broadcast on Global Network.

  • " A winner, in Facts "

    2001 Infini wins a Masque for Anglo production of the year in QC.

  • " Director Sprung is learning by doing " By Heather Solomon

    Interview with Heather Solomon on the eve of Paper Wheat opening in Montreal

  • "Sprung to step down as head of Infinithéatre"

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